The Hero's journey, Tarot and marketing strategy
When we speak about marketing in general or marketing strategy particularly, we usually discuss a target audience and how to communicate with them. But there is one more person, maybe even more important, because on this one whole success depends.

Their fears block creating some kind of content. Their poor belief stop from doing something new or unique. Their striving for approval forbids them to make mistakes and just test hypotheses. Their deep personal involvement makes marketing not just a business thing, but a personal thing. If they can't separate their's desires from the target audience's desires, they can't build something people want, they build what they personally want.

All these things are not about marketing at all. It's psychology. But it affects marketing a lot, especially for small entrepreneurs and startups. We can't create a really successful marketing process until we solve these problems.

I assumed the founders' way to successful marketing is like a famous Hero's Journey. In its turn, the Hero's Journey matches the Tarot major arcana. I tested this hypothesis on a few last marketing strategies I created, and it seems it's true.

The final match between The Hero's journey, Tarot, and marketing strategy creation is below. This could help with both the explanation for the founder of what will going on and the more accurately leading founder through the process to good results.
The Founder's Journey could be imaged like in the picture below.