Tool that guide through decision-making process for those who are responsible for marketing decisions in the business. Analyze data, utilize common sense and professional experience, calculate probability and decrease the level of uncertanty. Make decisions easier and more efficient!
Most marketing tools automate predictable tasks—those well-defined activities like scheduling posts or analyzing data, where the outcomes are already known. These tasks are ones humans could manage; however, automation accelerates the process and reduces costs. This approach of replacing human labor with machines became popular during the early days of cybernetics when computers were primarily used to perform rapid, complex calculations, such as plotting missile trajectories.

Then there's the type of automation that enhances human capabilities. This category addresses tasks where the outcomes are not predetermined and cannot be easily encapsulated by straightforward algorithms—tasks that might be impractical for humans to tackle alone, such as large-scale data analysis and predictive services. While decisions ultimately remain in human hands, these tools simplify the decision-making process by providing enhanced clarity and efficiency.

In the first scenario, tools are executing pre-determined decisions; in the second, they actively assist in the formulation of these decisions. Our development focus is on this latter type of tool, aiming to augment rather than merely replace human input.

Try this chatbot to understand better how this tool could work. It's only a prototype, but it still gives valuable information.

You also can try it in the chat on the bottom left corner of this site.
There won't be any step-by-step plans here. Step-by-step plans are currently in vogue, and understandably, many would prefer a simple, clear-cut guide to business success. These plans typically function well in environments characterized by risks, where historical data is available, and outcomes can be probabilistically predicted. A step-by-step plan is essentially a forecast, designed based on prior knowledge or best practices that suggest these steps will effectively lead to the intended outcome.

However, in small businesses, startups, or when a company undergoes changes in its marketing strategy, the environment shifts from one of risk to one of uncertainty. Here, there is no historical data to draw upon; no one has walked this path before, the future is unknown, and calculating probabilities is not feasible. This makes traditional step-by-step plans inapplicable.

In cases of uncertainty, different methods come into play. Expert opinions become crucial because there's nothing available to confirm or refute these opinions, leaving stakeholders to operate on trust alone. If you happen to hire a less-than-professional marketer, you might end up with poorly made decisions that could lead to losses.

Our tool offers a solution to navigate this scenario:
— It generates a step-by-step plan tailored specifically to your unique situation, not a one-size-fits-all approach. While still not perfect, it's significantly more precise than a mere checklist or guide.
— When developing the plan or any assumptions, our tool utilizes the expertise of senior-level marketers who specialize in strategy, thus offering you insights from the perspective of a highly-paid, experienced marketing professional.
Other theoretical basics about our marketing approach: cybernetics, theory of systems, system approach.
Step-by-step plans often fall short because the parameters on which they are built can change rapidly and dramatically. Each business operates within unique external and internal conditions and has distinct input data that can significantly influence the plan. According to Miller's Law, a principle from cognitive psychology, the average adult can hold about seven objects, plus or minus two, in working memory. In the context of business, where decisions often involve more complex and numerous parameters, this limitation becomes particularly acute. The importance of this cognitive bottleneck is highlighted by the fact that the primary method to deal with uncertainty is Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), which allows for balancing a large number of parameters and choose the most optimal option. Simply put, the human brain is not equipped to manage the complexity required for decision-making in uncertain environments effectively on its own. But with the help of computers, it is.
What is the goal of our tool? Is it to create a one-time strategy for a business? No.
A marketing strategy can be understood in various ways: it could be a final document showcasing the results of analytical work, a set of strategic decisions that have already been made, a framework that provides the structure for systematically executing marketing efforts, or simply a plan.

However, we understand strategy as a continuous process of adapting marketing efforts to changes in the market or organizational goals. This process is ongoing and never ends.

Consider the scenario where a competitor launches a completely new product—decisions must be made on how to respond. Or, imagine a natural disaster occurs—decisions are needed on whether to pause advertising campaigns. And consistently, something goes not as planned, requiring reallocation of the budget.

Even if a company does not have a dedicated marketer, someone is making these decisions. Who is it? Are they really good at it? Are you sure you're not losing money on their decisions?

If yes, then introduce us to them—we are always looking to collaborate with the best marketing minds to make our service even more effective.

If no, then we are developing a solution for you! You can accelerate this process with a donation. For donations starting at $500, you will receive a year of free access to our service (from the moment we launch) and participation in all beta-tests and discussions prior to the public release.
Past Projects
We can estimate your company's opportunities, explore your economical status, analyze your vehicle access and foot traffic.
Not exactly related to marketing, but necessary for general logic and making more efficient decisions. And should be fun!
    541 Jefferson Ave., Ste. 100 Redwood city, CA 94063

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